

Din sökning på "*" gav 127186 sökträffar

Lunchdax med Olof Jernryd

Av anna [dot] mansfeld [at] kommunikation [dot] lu [dot] se (Anna Mansfeld) - publicerad 19 november 2019 Olof använder sin lunch till att ladda sina batterier, helst för sig själv. Varje dag lunchar drygt 800 medarbetare inom förvaltningen. Men vad äter de för mat? Var äter de den? Och vad snackar de om? Lunchdax tar pulsen på våra kollegors lunch. Denna lunchlåda tillhör Olof Jernryd, ekonom på

https://www.medarbetarwebben.lu.se/artikel/lunchdax-med-olof-jernryd - 2025-03-03

Lunchdax med Sophie Hydén Picasso

Publicerad 16 december 2019 Varje dag lunchar drygt 800 medarbetare inom förvaltningen. Men vad äter de för mat? Var äter de den? Och vad snackar de om? Lunchdax tar pulsen på våra kollegors lunch. Denna lunchlåda tillhör Sophie Hydén Picasso, forskningshandläggare på Forskningsservice, sektionen FSI. Det blir vegetarisk moussaka från Linas matkasse, bestående av aubergine, bakpotatis, tomatsås oc

https://www.medarbetarwebben.lu.se/artikel/lunchdax-med-sophie-hyden-picasso - 2025-03-03

Lunchdax med Åsa Thormählen

Publicerad 28 januari 2020 För Åsa Thormählen är lunchen essentiell, både som ett viktigt kostintag och för att få inspiration i arbetet. Varje dag lunchar drygt 800 medarbetare inom förvaltningen. Men vad äter de för mat? Var äter de den? Och vad snackar de om? Lunchdax tar pulsen på våra kollegors lunch. Denna lunchlåda tillhör Åsa Thormählen, internationell koordinator på sektionen HR. Det blir

https://www.medarbetarwebben.lu.se/artikel/lunchdax-med-asa-thormahlen - 2025-03-03

De fick utmärkelsen "För Nit och Redlighet i rikets tjänst" 2020

Publicerad 28 februari 2020 Onsdagen den 4 mars var det dags för den årliga ceremonin där de medarbetare som varit anställda i rikets tjänst i 30 år, eller i 25 år vid pension uppmärksammades. Utmärkelserna delades ut av förvaltningschef Susanne Kristensson och rektor Torbjörn von Schantz. Under ceremonin i universitetsaulan höll en av mottagarna, docent Victoria Höög, Idé- och lärdomshistoria, fö

https://www.medarbetarwebben.lu.se/artikel/de-fick-utmarkelsen-nit-och-redlighet-i-rikets-tjanst-2020 - 2025-03-03

Bioenergy plantations could fight climate change—but threaten food crops, U.N. panel warns.

Published 14 August 2019 Instead of betting big on bioenergy, governments need to focus on the hard medicine of cutting fossil fuel use. There is no shortcut to climate change mitigation, says Lennart Olsson, professor at Lund University Centre for Sustainability Studies and lead author of the IPCC special report on Climate Change and Land, in a news article in Science regarding the "negative emis

https://www.lucsus.lu.se/article/bioenergy-plantations-could-fight-climate-change-threaten-food-crops-un-panel-warns - 2025-03-03

Guidelines and principles for improved city-citizen cooperation for climate change adaptation

Published 19 August 2019 LUCSUS researchers present new guidelines and principles on how to improve climate change adaptation collaboration between, and for, citizens and municipalities. Municipalities and their residents are facing increasing challenges as a result of a changing climate. Floods, heat waves and storms are expected to increase in number and strength, while sea level rise and erosio

https://www.lucsus.lu.se/article/guidelines-and-principles-improved-city-citizen-cooperation-climate-change-adaptation - 2025-03-03

Four ways to address challenges of urban solid waste: new policy brief developed for the City of Kisumu in Kenya.

Published 20 August 2019 Initiatives such as the Kisumu Waste Actors Network (KIWAN) must be encouraged to ensure the engagement and inclusion of waste collectors, recyclers, community organizations and entrepreneurs. Photo: Michael Oloko. “Better communication between different waste actors is paramount”. LUCSUS researchers present policy brief on how to address challenges linked to urban solid w

https://www.lucsus.lu.se/article/four-ways-address-challenges-urban-solid-waste-new-policy-brief-developed-city-kisumu-kenya - 2025-03-03

Kick off for LUCSUS new mentorship programme

Published 21 August 2019 Mentors in the mentorship programme at LUCSUS. From the top left: Cintia Bertacchi Uvo, Helle Rydström, Kristina Jönsson, Jamil Khan, Mo Hamza, Susanne Arvidsson, Ellen Hillbom Today, on August 21, LUCSUS kicked off its new mentorship programme for researchers with a first meeting between the programme leader Katarina Billing and the mentors.  During the day the mentors go

https://www.lucsus.lu.se/article/kick-lucsus-new-mentorship-programme - 2025-03-03

Torsten Krause comments on the Amazon fires

Published 26 August 2019 Photo: markhillary/flickr The Amazon rainforest is burning at a record rate. LUCSUS researcher and Amazon expert, Torsten Krause, explains how they started and what can we do about it. Read the full article with Torsten Krause in Swedish hereMånga orsaker bakom förstörelsen av Amazonas Selected media articles:Brändernas effekter når långt bortom Amazonas (SVT Nyheter)Bränd

https://www.lucsus.lu.se/article/torsten-krause-comments-amazon-fires - 2025-03-03

What can the world can learn from a small town on Iceland?

Published 6 September 2019 The small town, Akureyri, in northern Iceland has gone almost CO2-neutral. LUCSUS vising researcher Henner Busch, and LUMES Alumni (Batch 19) Rakel Kristjandottir, went there to find out how they did it and what we can learn from them. Nowadays cities are quite unsustainable places. They consume a lot of the world’s resources and account for more than half of the world’s

https://www.lucsus.lu.se/article/what-can-world-can-learn-small-town-iceland - 2025-03-03

Blog post: Hunting can contribute to forest governance

Published 11 September 2019 Loretoyacu River in Colombia in March 2019. Photo:Torsten Krause. Hunting has a bad reputation and is rarely considered in forest governance and conservation strategies. But what if, instead, we tried to learn from it? Blog post by researcher Torsten Krause. In his blog post for The Revelator, Torsten Krause argues that subsistence hunting, and the traditional ecologica

https://www.lucsus.lu.se/article/blog-post-hunting-can-contribute-forest-governance - 2025-03-03

Music for the climate

Published 19 September 2019 Researcher Sara Brogaard and composter Claus Sörensen How do we manage and cope with the change that the climate requires? One can easily feel a sense of hopelessness when you are overwhelmed by information and facts about the situation and you may feel disconnected, rather than feeling ready to act. LUCSUS researcher Sara Brogaard believes that art and music can make a

https://www.lucsus.lu.se/article/music-climate - 2025-03-03

Tree planting is no panacea for the climate

Published 26 September 2019 Tree plantations. Mostphotos. Wim Carton discusses why tree planting is not a panacea for the climate. According to him, too many studies and stakeholders fail to see that the method is inherently fraught and can take away focus from the need to drastically reduce emissions to meet our climate targets. "Tree planting is seen as an easy method that can be scaled up. But

https://www.lucsus.lu.se/article/tree-planting-no-panacea-climate - 2025-03-03

LUMES students take on real world sustainability problems

Published 26 September 2019 Students from LUMES Batch 22 showcasing their Knowledge-to-Action projects. In LUMES, LUCSUS international master programme in environmental studies and sustainability science, students take on real world sustainability problems in their course module, Knowledge-to-Action. This year, students tackled overconsumption through setting up a centre for borrowing household it

https://www.lucsus.lu.se/article/lumes-students-take-real-world-sustainability-problems - 2025-03-03

Research interview: Darin Wahl is excited about the idea of cultural narratives in connection with sustainability

Published 8 October 2019 Darin Wahl. Photo: Martin Sharman. "My research interests spiral around ideas of change in core beliefs, and in embedded behavior patterns and practices." What do you do at LUCSUS? My PhD is part of a project called GLOCULL - exploring innovation experiments in Urban Living Labs in the Food, Water, and Energy nexus. LUCSUS is one of seven partner organisations in cities ar

https://www.lucsus.lu.se/article/research-interview-darin-wahl-excited-about-idea-cultural-narratives-connection-sustainability - 2025-03-03

Programme for the Conference on Loss and Damage 2019

Published 21 October 2019 More than 100 researchers from all over the world will gather at LUCSUS for the very first international conference on loss and damage from climate-related events. The extensive conference programme explores loss and damage from mutiple perspectives:Defining L&D from a climate change perspective – what do we know?Defining L&D from an ecological perspective – what do we kn

https://www.lucsus.lu.se/article/programme-conference-loss-and-damage-2019 - 2025-03-03

Sustainable transitions in focus during Lund University Future week

Published 25 October 2019 Throughout Future Week at Lund University, we got a chance to look into the Future. During a range of events, researchers and students across Lund University discussed different issues on the theme 'Transitions'. What are the transitions we have to make? What are the ones we want to make? And which transitions do we preferably want to avoid? Several LUCSUS researchers par

https://www.lucsus.lu.se/article/sustainable-transitions-focus-during-lund-university-future-week - 2025-03-03

Impact story: Building capacity and improving everyday life in sub-Saharan Africa

By cecilia [dot] von_arnold [at] lucsus [dot] lu [dot] se (Cecilia von Arnold) - published 4 November 2019 Michaelin Sibanda explores how agroecology has become a social agency and formed a space for women to organize themselves It is not easy to make ends meet for many smallholder farmers in sub-Saharan Africa. Everyday life is a complex management of many activities, especially for women, such a

https://www.lucsus.lu.se/article/impact-story-building-capacity-and-improving-everyday-life-sub-saharan-africa - 2025-03-03

Clear goals but murky path to ecosystem sustainability: Key knowledge gaps identified

By cecilia [dot] von_arnold [at] lucsus [dot] lu [dot] se (Cecilia von Arnold) - published 29 October 2019 International sustainability policies set out clear goals for protecting ecosystems and biodiversity, but how to actually achieve these goals remains elusive in practice, as biodiversity loss continues at an alarming rate. A new study published in the journal Nature Sustainability by an inter

https://www.lucsus.lu.se/article/clear-goals-murky-path-ecosystem-sustainability-key-knowledge-gaps-identified - 2025-03-03

Science has much to offer social movements in the face of planetary emergencies

Published 6 November 2019 Four LUCSUS researchers argue in an article in the journal Nature, Ecology & Evolution that the most important, powerful and unique contribution science can make to social movements is to share arduously accumulated knowledge about processes of social and political change.  – We wrote this article because we saw a debate emerge around how researchers can and should contri

https://www.lucsus.lu.se/article/science-has-much-offer-social-movements-face-planetary-emergencies - 2025-03-03